
New Hamsphire Business Sales New Website by PCS Web DesignNew Hampshire Business Sales (NHBS) is pleased to announce the launch of their newly redesigned website at www.nhbizsales.com  Jim Fontaine, owner and Internet Architect at PCS Web Design, worked directly with the owners of NHBS, Leon Parker and Ivor Thomas, as well as Melanie Heinis, their Operations Manager, to address technology concerns surrounding the development and launch of their new CMS-enabled website.  Ease of use, for both their site visitors as well as their staff, was a top concern.  Multiple design iterations to fine-tune the navigation and presentation layers payed off with a clean, easy-to-navigate site design that retained enough of their existing marketing and branding to be clearly identified with the firm.  Data, content, and features migration was another area where PCS Web Design was able to use its expertise to reduce the perceived stress of moving to a CMS-enabled website.  PCS Web Design was able to integrate key functions of their normal day-to-day operations (listings and forms management, blogging) directly into their CMS-enabled website.  Onsite training and remote support sessions have eased the transition into working with their new CMS system as well.

Website Features and Services
